The Future of Storage Now: Accessibility and Mobility Today

The Future of Storage Now: Accessibility and Mobility Today

When business goes into the level of reaching more customers, generate more income and opening new opportunities, it also requires innovative marketing solutions. You will notice that you are having a lot of data and information coming into the business and worrying on how you can handle them effectively. Thus, you will need a storage that will be helpful to your overall business.

A roadmap on where technology can bring you when it comes to data storage can be an exciting and interesting link for what storage today can offer in the future.


The Trends of Storage

Data storage has undoubtedly gone through from being simple to innovative changes.  However, storage technology has been always based primarily on two things: how it is used and how does the storage work – all fall into one: transformative technology!

Take for instance the use of flash memories. Flash memories have been an overwhelming trend due to its storage and convenience.

How about taking a glimpse to the roads that took us from the usual hard drives that we had up to getting benefited with today’s innovative storage solutions?

Here are some of the storage devices that we had and we can be utilising in the future:

Helium Drives

You might already hear about helium drives. Sounds interesting, right? Helium-filled hard drives have lately been lifting the capacity limit of hard drives, which are normally filled with air. The estimated speed and density are accelerated due to helium, which is found out to be less dense than air, thus, less turbulence.

Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR)

Also known as SMR, this is a new hard drive recording technology. This storage allows technology for a higher level of capability on hard drives than the typical ones. Inventors and companies are working for more researchers on how to make this storage enticing to the industry.


Well, this sounds to be one of the most interesting. Imagine, the molecule that saves biological data can be utilised to store other kinds of information. Harvard studies in 2012 reveal that they have encoded DNA with digital bits of info, such as a 53,400-word book in HTML, 11 JPEG images, and one JavaScript program, and an incredible amount of other files!

What the Future Holds?

Innovation doesn’t just stop there.  The above-mentioned storage devices are just some ‘dots’ in the midst of technological advancement. There are still other in the process and there are a lot more to be unfolded. As a matter of fact, more and more inventors and researchers continue to find more progress when it comes to capacity, capability, performance, and the physical amount of storage media.

Well, maybe quantum storage. Or something even more. Your thoughts?

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