Internet of Things (Iot): Pros and Cons

Internet of Things (Iot): Pros and Cons

The Internet of Things or IoT as everyone knows it refers to the internetworking of machines, devices, and others that have unique identifiers and have the ability to carry information to a network. There are almost 20 billion of things connected to the Internet and this will rapidly grow as years go by. With a lot of devices connected to the Internet, it is no doubt that these devices can affect our daily lives. But the interesting thing is that many people are already using this technology – IoT without knowing it, from thermostats to ATM to wearables and a lot more.

IoT will change our everyday life, so let’s discuss what the changes that we will face are and what are the pros and also the cons of IoT.

Pros of the Internet of Things

Communication. With a network of interconnected things, better communication will be possible. Internet of Things allows M2M or machine to machine communication that serves as a way for devices to communicate with each other. It means that there will be o time wasted and inefficiencies when it comes to communication and will help in increasing efficiency.

Access Information. Easy access to data in real time can be done. From the interconnected network of devices, accessing to information anywhere is possible. This means that it could be convenient to go about their work even they are not physically present as the data they need is just in front of them.

Automation. With the Internet of Things, it will allow someone to control and automate the tasks that will be done without the human intervention. It will lead to uniformity of tasks which will then lead to greater efficiency.

Cost – effective. One of the biggest advantages that IoT can give is that it can save money. There are many ways that IoT can help businesses and individuals when it comes to cost energy and savings. For example, with the help of sensors, appliances in the house that are not in use can automatically turn off so it will save money.

Cons of the Internet of Things

Security and Privacy. If there is a biggest challenge that IoT is facing then that would be about privacy and security. More and more data are being shared through connected devices which are all connected to the Internet. With that, data access will be easy both personal and private information especially when it falls to the hands of hackers. With that being said, this can give way to security threats.

Lesser Jobs. With so many tasks and devices being automated, the need for human labor will be lessened extremely. Some workers will end up losing their jobs because of automation and can lead to unemployment.

Dependability. Even if we don’t admit it, technology is dominating one’s life. Our lives are becoming more dependent on technology resulting in reduced human interaction skills.

The Internet of Things has become a huge part of everyday life. As a matter of fact, according to Gartner Inc., it is estimated that around 26 billion devices will be connected to it in the year 2020. This technology however just like the other technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. Hopefully, with these ideas, you’ll understand now what IoT is.