An Introduction to IoT – Internet of Things

An Introduction to IoT – Internet of Things

Internet of Things or IoT may be the top trending topic nowadays. But not everybody is totally aware of what this really means. Let’s find out what this trending topic is all about. IoT may be one of the unclear technologies at some point but as time goes by, it has now become the technology of many. Almost everyone is adapting to this technology, everyone is ready to embrace Iot solutions, own Iot devices and even hire the best Iot developers.

On its simplest explanation, Internet of Things is the virtual internet connection between everything that is present in the environment that can be monitored and operated over the Internet. It can also refer to the billions of devices that are connected to the Internet from collecting to sharing of data. Internet of things can also be referred as to a system of machines, objects, or computing device that is somehow connected and which are given with unique identifiers or UIDs. It also has the ability to transfer information over a network without any human to human or even a human to computer interaction.

History of IOT

The term Iot or Internet of Things actually started back in 1999 when Kevin Ashton used it when he is presenting a work at his company. He was working on a new exciting technology – RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) however, the Internet was the hottest topic during that year so he then called his presentation “Internet of Things”. He then grabbed the attention of the managers but IoT did not get its attention and the widespread actually started ten years after.

Though Ashton introduced IoT, it is not new to everyone about the idea of connected devices because it has been used since the 70s. It was actually called pervasive internet or embedded internet. So you see, the Internet of Things was already known years ago but with a different name. But the term Iot just got its popularity in the year 2010 when many have adapted to this idea and it has reached its mass market awareness in the year 2014.

Internet of things is the most popular term that describes the technology of interconnecting worlds. But there are also some terms that have been proposed to be used however it does not really mean the same thing. Some of these terms are Web of Things, Industry 4.0, Smart Systems, Intelligent systems, and others.

The Future of IOT     

In the future, IOT may become the most significant part of one’s life. This is because of the many advantages that it can deliver. It can connect different sources of data like mobile phones, sensors, and even cars. There are many devices that can be connected to the Internet is increasing that’s why this technology Internet of things can really be helpful to many.

Internet of Things can take us through technological heights which we never knew that actually existed. The future for this technology has always been vast. Internet of Things provides fresh business opportunities, development, and growth in all sectors. Just imagine how IoT can help in the growth of one’s business. This is why it is no doubt that every business owner is now implementing this type of technology. If you want to know more about the Internet of Things just visit us and we will show you how it works.